Bounce test
Lift the front wheel off the ground two or three inches, then let it bounce on the ground to make sure nothing sounds, looks, or feels loose.
Make sure tires are correctly inflated. Check with a pressure gauge.
Spin each wheel slowly and look for cuts in the tread and sidewall. If a wheel wobbles side to side even slightly, or rubs against or hits the brake pads, the wheel should be trued.
Grab both brake levers and push the bike forward. Tires should skid, if not have the brake system checked.
Make sure you have a properly fitting helmet. Bicycle helmets are a requirement in King County.
For proper braking you should practice slowing and stopping smoothly by squeezing the lever, progressively increasing the braking force. Applying brakes too hard or too suddenly can lock up a wheel, which could cause you to lose control and fall. Sudden or excessive application of the front brake may pitch the rider over the handlebars, which may result in serious injury. You should always test your braking system before you ride.
A front light is required by law in King County after dusk. Rear lights are recommended. For those with lights with rechargeable batteries, it recommended that you recharge them once a month even though they are not be used.
Bad Weather:
Slow down in bad weather (brakes do not work as well) and avoid any metal surface including railroad tracks and metal grates as they could be very slippery.
Quick Release:
All of the quick release devices on your bicycle (brakes, wheels, seat) should be adjusted and secured before riding.
It is important to keep your new bicycle clean and in good condition. Regular maintenance includes tune-ups, replacing brake pads, lubing your chain, fixing flats and inspections.
Suspension systems are highly individualized and should be looked up in an owner’s manual. Most require daily inspections.
Children's Bikes:
As a parent or guardian, you are responsible for the activities and safety of your minor child, and that includes making sure that the bicycle is properly fitted to your child, that it is in safe operating condition, and that you and your child have learned the applicable local motor vehicle, bicycle and traffic laws. It is important that you and your child have learned and understand the safe operation of the bicycle, including the care and operation of the braking system, before riding. The parent or guardian is fully responsible for the maintenance of these bicycles.
Clipless Pedals:
Bicycles equipped with clipless pedals require additional maintenance. Clipless pedals should be kept lubricated and clean, free from dirt or mud build up.
Warranty information specific to your manufacture can be found in your owner’s manual. You should be advised that, in some cases, failure to register and maintain your new product may void the warranty. Warranties do not cover shipping, labor or wear.