Velo Bike Shop

Open 7 days a week
Sun: Noon–5pm
Mon–Thursday: 10am–7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am–6pm
206 | 325.3292


Our mechanics are experienced, detail oriented and master problem solvers! Whether you need a tune-up or are having trouble diagnosing a specific issue, our team will give you a full repair estimate and get your bike back in action efficiently.


When I'm not working I'm...
Hanging out with my kids & wife. Some running & cycling too.
One fun fact about me is...
I got back in to running to stay fit and escape.
I love bikes because...
It's fun to be around bikes, riding and fixing them. I have been fascinated by bikes since grade school.


Velo Bike Shop
Open 7 days a week
Sun: Noon–5pm
Mon–Thursday: 10am–7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am–6pm

New Policy: We are no longer shipping items, in-store purchases only.

Site design: Kevin Tamura with backend development by Kenny Meyers

We proudly run our site with ExpressionEngine on Engine Hosting.