Velo Bike Shop

Open 7 days a week
Sun: Noon–5pm
Mon–Thursday: 10am–7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am–6pm
206 | 325.3292

Bike Recently Stolen?

If your bike has recently been stolen, you need to file a police report. You can do this at any police station or online at When checking local bike or pawn shops, supply them with the police incident number you will receive so they can reference it if they see the bike.

Velo Bike Shop
Open 7 days a week
Sun: Noon–5pm
Mon–Thursday: 10am–7pm
Fri & Sat: 10am–6pm

New Policy: We are no longer shipping items, in-store purchases only.

Site design: Kevin Tamura with backend development by Kenny Meyers

We proudly run our site with ExpressionEngine on Engine Hosting.